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日時 2008年12月09日 22:08 | 固定リンク | コメント (20)

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Dr. Donald Casey Jr., a general internist and chief medical officer for the NYUPN Clinically Integrated Network, wrote a commentary about the new study and offers ideas about how to fix things. It's not a matter of doctors not doing their jobs properly, he said. Instead, "it's that health care has gotten so complex."

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16. 名前:Nigel 日時:2021/07/08-20:08 <URL>
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17. 名前:Jaden 日時:2021/07/08-20:08 <URL>
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18. 名前:Mohamed 日時:2021/07/08-20:08 <URL>
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20. 名前:Friend35 日時:2021/07/08-20:09 <URL>
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